Can You Just Move to Svalbard?

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Svalbard in Norway 🇳🇴 is the only visa-free territory in the world.

This means that anyone, regardless of citizenship, can live and work in Svalbard permanently.

Can You Just Move to Svalbard?
Spitsbergen in Svalbard by Janik Rohland (Unsplash License)

Where is Svalbard?

Svalbard is a Norwegian 🇳🇴 archipelago close to the North Pole.

As of 2022, it has a population of a little over 2,500 people.

Map by Rob984 (License: CC BY-SA 4.0)

You do not need a visa to live or work in Svalbard permanently.

However, keep in mind that:

  • Housing is limited and may be difficult to find. If you can't find housing or have the means to support yourself, you may be asked to leave by local Norwegian authorities.
  • Just because it is a visa-free territory, it doesn't mean there are no governments or laws that apply.
Svalbard by Eirik Hodne (Unsplash License)

How to Get to Svalbard?

Even if you don't need to visa to visit and live in Svalbard, you would need to be able to access and clear immigration from either the city of Oslo or Tromsø in Norway 🇳🇴, since most passenger flights to Svalbard originate from either of these two cities.

This means you still need to have proper identification and all necessary travel documents to enter Norway.

In other words: Yes, you can just move to Svalbard, as long as you can enter Norway.